Apex Legends second season will be called Battle Charge and will be released on July 2, 2019. In addition, the tenth Legend, Wattson, has been revealed.
Wattson was introduced in Apex Legend’s first cinematic for one of its characters. Her real name is Natalie Paquette and is the daughter of the Games’ lead electrical engineer.
Her Tactical Ability is called Perimeter Security and connects “nodes to create electrified fences that damage and slow enemies.”
Wattson’s Passive Ability is Spark of Genius. Ultimate Accelerants fully charge Wattson’s Ultimate Ability and “standing near interception pylons boosts your Tactical Ability recharge.”
Her Ultimate Ability is Interception Pylon, where Wattson can “place an electrified pylon that destroys incoming ordnance and repairs damaged shields as long as it stands. (Max: 3)”
Source: IGN.com Apex Legends: Wattson Revealed as 10th Legend