Apex Legends’ fans have been eagerly waiting to learn what the next big update for the game entails. Today, during EA Play, they got their answer.

A 30-minute presentation broke down everything you can expect to hit the popular Titanfall battle royale spin-off, including details on the new character and modes. Here are the biggest talking points.

When does Season 2 start?

July 2.

What’s it called?

This season is called Battle Charge.

What does Battle Charge bring?

  • A ranked division that will allow skilled players to compete for bragging rights.
  • A new weapon
  • The 10th legend: Wattson
  • Teased changes to King’s Canyon
  • Smaller tweaks to gameplay

Who is Wattson?

The new legend is an engineer with defensive ability set. Within the lore, she’s the daughter of the man who created the ring for Apex’s universe and gets along well with all the other Legends (including Caustic). Respawn describes her as “the Legends’ kid sister.”

What are her powers?

Passive:  Immediately use an accelerant to get access to her ultimate.

Tactical: Wattson can create electric fences that damage enemies by placing up to 12 nodes. Player has free rein to place them however they want. Fences don’t hurt teammates. Enemies who cross the fence will be pinged so that your squad knows where they’ll be.

Ultimate: Wattson’s ultimate is called the Interception Pylon. It shoots down projectiles and charges the squad’s shields as well as Watson’s tactical, allowing her to build electric fence fortresses quickly.

What’s the new weapon?

It’s Titanfall 2’s L-Star, which leaked a few months ago. The L-Star is a rapid-firing energy weapon capable of dealing  a lot of damage quickly. This one is restricted to Supply Crates so you won’t find it on the ground.

The Ranked mode? What’s that about?

Season 2 debuts a new mode called Ranked 1.0. Here’s what Respawn says about it:

In Ranked, players will be matched by skill as they compete to reach the top of six individual tiers (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, and Apex Predator), earning exclusive cosmetics and rewards at the end of each season based on where they place.

The Map Is Changing?

Fortnite’s map has a habit of literally altering and transforming in certain ways during every season. A small tease at the end of the Apex Legends section of the stream showcased, Wattson flying next to some massive eyeball of a supposedly winged creature. Executive Producer Drew McCoy wouldn’t say anything other than that “changes” were coming to King’s Canyon during season 2.

What Else?

Respawn also teased some minor tweaks coming to what’s already in the game, included buffs for the often criticized Mozambique to make it “useful.”

For more on Apex Legends, be sure to check out our review here.

Source: Game Informer Everything You Need To Know About Apex Legends Season 2