Some wise, anonymous Internet philosopher wrote something to this effect after the sublime Doom reboot came out in 2016: “In Dark Souls, you are trapped in a room with monsters. In Doom, monsters are trapped in a room with YOU.” It’s as if the developers at id Software took that to heart, smiled at the corners of their mouth like The Grinch, and decided to even the scales in Doom Eternal (out November 22), even just a bit.
I have played Doom Eternal (on PC), and it relishes in putting the screws to you as you try to fight off dozens of Hell-spawned demonic minions in each encounter. id’s Marty Stratton calls the battles “combat puzzles,” and in my experience, it’s not an unfair assessment. And as in the 2016 game, the solution, Stratton adds, is “to be more aggressive. It’s really designed to challenge you.” Lead designer Hugo Martin laughs and says, “It’s very sadistic.”
Source: Doom Eternal First Hands-On: Skills + Kills = Thrills