Since the arrival of the original Forza Motorsport in 2005 a fresh instalment of the series has appeared every two years, like clockwork, across three generations of Xbox console hardware. However, there’ll be no Forza Motorsport 8 this year from developer Turn 10, even though it’s approaching two years since the launch of 2017’s Forza Motorsport 7.

Forza fans who have been tuning in to the team’s regular “Forza Monthly” streams have likely already surmised that this would be the case (during a stream in July 2018 Turn 10 creative director Chris Esaki stressed that, at that time, the entire team was still working on updates for Forza Motorsport 7, and in a more recent stream in March this year Forza franchise creative director Dan Greenawalt confirmed the team had only just begun shifting to a new project). Of course, the news may still come as a surprise to some folks accustomed to the bi-yearly cadence of the Forza Motorsport series.

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Source: No Forza Motorsport This Year as Turn 10 Takes Time to Innovate