Inbetween news of Season 2 and all-new Legend Wattson, Apex Legends developer Respawn perhaps made the most important Apex-flavoured news of all: the Mozambique shotgun is getting a buff.
Infamous for being almost entirely useless to such an extent Legends now have a new in-game animation in which they throw it away in disgust when picking up something (re: anything) better, the Mozambique is one of Apex Legends’ most ineffective weapons.
Things might be changing now, however, as – talking at EA Play – executive producer Drew McCoy said the upcoming change “makes [the Mozambique] usable”. Sadly McCoy did not expand on this, nor detail what kind of changes are incoming, but let’s face it: the change cannot come soon enough.
Source: Eurogamer Respawn says it will make Apex Legends' Mozambique shotgun "usable"