The annual Devolver E3 conference-slash-shortfilm aired late last night and was wonderfully anarchic and grotesque, as always. This time it rounded on Nintendo Direct broadcasts as we ventured inside the maniacal mind of barely-saved-from-the-dead character Nina Struthers (brought to charismatic life by actor Mahria Zook).
But amid the brutal satire were announcements too, and some outlandishly trendy ones – very on-brand for Devolver – at that. An actual, $5000, Enter the Gungeon: House of the Gundead light gun arcade machine, for instance, shipping early 2020; and Devolver Bootleg, an 8-in-1 collection of self-rip-off games on Steam right now for £4. Among the rip-offs, Hotline: Milwaukee, Enter the Gun Dungeon, and more.
There were more traditional game announcements as well. Two things caught my eye. The first was a very colourful and entertaining-looking 100-person online multiplayer romp called Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout. It’s a bit like Takeshi’s Castle or Total Wipeout, whereby 100 people go through round after round of obstacle challenges in the hope of being the last one standing – the winner.
Source: Eurogamer Devolver's bootlegging its own games and making a k arcade light gun machine