If you were just going off gameplay alone, you’d never know that Contra Rogue Corps is the latest entry in the storied Contra series. It’s a completely new direction for the classic 2D sidescrolling franchise that evolves it into an entirely 3D twin-stick shooter. Rogue Corps also adds elements of character progression in the form of being able to upgrade both your weapons, and the cybernetic parts of your body – another staple of today’s standards.

It’s such a dramatic change for the series that there was some strong initial whiplash. While I’m not totally sold that this is the path I want to see Contra pushed down, I at least saw a glimpse of a fun twin-stick shooter. That’s especially true if you’ve got a group of like-minded friends over for some local co-op play when Contra Rogue Corps is released on Switch, PS4, Xbox One, and PC (Steam) on September 26.

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Source: IGN.com Contra Rogue Corps Plays Nothing Like the Original