Square Enix is showing off a new Nintendo Switch controller that will launch in Japan alongside Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age. Made by Hori, the funny-looking gamepad is styled after the famous Slime character from the long-running RPG series. This is in keeping with similar controllers previously released for PS4 and PS4.

The semi-spherical pad measures 145mm x 145mm x 124mm  and features all of the functionality of a standard Switch Pro Controller, along with auto-fire options and a built in gyroscope for tilt motions. With wireless support via Bluetooth, the Slime Controller can be charged by connecting to the Switch dock with a USB-C cable.

To complete the ensemble, the controller with even come with a fun cardboard treasure chest and crown diorama, so that the Slime can be displayed in its natural habitat. The Hori Nintendo Switch Slime Controller will launch in Japan September 27, alongside Dragon Quest XI S, at a cost of ¥10,778 (roughly $99 USD).

Switch Slime controller coming to Japan for Dragon's Quest XI S screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Switch Slime controller coming to Japan for Dragon’s Quest XI S