I don’t expect to be surprised all that much by this industry anymore. Sure, some announcements can come out of nowhere, like Nintendo capping off its E3 presentation with a teaser of a Breath of the Wild sequel. But with gaming so heavily invested in franchises, it’s hard to shake this feeling of deja vu with each new trailer or product launch.

That’s why I’m happy a game like Heroland exists. In a sea of sequels and spin-offs, it’s a genuinely original idea, bolstered by appealing art direction and writing that may be too clever for its own good. I don’t know how I’ll feel about the final product when it releases later this year, but right now, it’s easily my favorite game from the E3 show floor.

Heroland impressed me more than any other game at E3 screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Heroland impressed me more than any other game at E3