[Getting Weird with Wes is a series meant to highlight all the bizarre shit floating around out there in the gaming universe. I hate normal things. Join me in celebrating the strange.]

After yet another week-long hiatus due to the industry circle-jerk that is E3, it’s time to forget about all the Final Fantasy VII Remakes (squeeee) and No More Heroes 3s (*orgasms in Wendy’s drive-thru*) and focus on the weird stuff! I mean, really, you should have been all along. But I’ll forgive you.

Just this once.

Getting Weird with Wes: Twin Peaks on more crack, please don't forget to floss, and do sex to...Stalin? screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Getting Weird with Wes: Twin Peaks on more crack, please don’t forget to floss, and do sex to…Stalin?