Amazon has officially cast the first actor in its upcoming Wheel of Time TV series adaptation. IGN can confirm that Rosamund Pike has landed the role of Moiraine Damodred, the character who is being positioned as the lead in this telling of Robert Jordan’s iconic fantasy series. Pike will also serve as a producer on the show.
Additionally, Amazon revealed that Brandon Sanderson, who wrote the final three novels in the Wheel of Time book series after Jordan’s death in 2007, will serve as consulting producer on the series alongside Jordan’s widow, Harriet McDougal.
Pike is a notable casting choice for the Amazon series, known best for her roles in Gone Girl, Jack Reacher, and Die Another Day. Her character, Moiraine Damodred, is one of the most respected magic users in the world of Wheel of Time, and plays a pivotal role in the story’s central throughline to find the Dragon Reborn, a character who is fated to defeat the evil force known as the Dark One.
Source: Amazon's Wheel of Time Series Casts Its Moiraine