Hey everyone! I’ve got a bit of Eurogamer news to share. It’s sad at first but ultimately super cool and very exciting.
Here’s the sad bit. Johnny Chiodini is leaving Eurogamer to work on a new website about tabletop games our parent company will soon set up. This is bittersweet for us of course. We’re losing a fantastic video producer, a talented writer and a great friend, but we know how much tabletop games mean to Johnny and how exciting an opportunity it is to cover them. I’m sure Johnny will absolutely smash it as Head of Video at [REDACTED], and I can’t wait to see the cool stuff he produces.
Now onto the exciting bit! I’m delighted to announce Aoife Wilson has been promoted to Head of Video, Eurogamer. Aoife has done a wonderful job as a video producer for Eurogamer on YouTube for a number of years now, and in her new role will lead the soft reboot of the channel, working with Ian “sausage aim” Higton and a couple of new faces I’ll hopefully get to tell you about soon. I’m incredibly excited to see Aoife’s vision for Eurogamer video come to fruition. Onward!
Source: Eurogamer Goodbye to Johnny, and congratulations to Aoife!