It’s time to settle in and watch the newly-branded WWE PPV event-slash-happening, Stomping Grounds!

And try our best to enjoy ourselves despite Baron Corbin being in the main event!

What is Stomping Grounds? Well it’s a show that requires all participants to “Kick Ass and Take Names.” Or “Kick Names and Take Ass” if you’re Mantis in Infinity War.

A lot of the card features Super Showdown Super Do-Overs – from Rollins and Corbin squaring off again to more Roman vs. the Shane Brigade (in an actual WrestleMania do-over), and also Kofi vs. Dolph one more time. Some of the match stips have changed, but will the outcomes? Will any big titles change hands or will Stomping Grounds be more of a stepping stone?

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Source: WWE Stomping Grounds PPV Live Blog and Match Results