It’s a shame the early conversation surrounding Batman: Damned focused so much on Bruce Wayne’s penis, because this is a series that deserves a deeper and more earnest examination. It isn’t always necessarily successful in what it sets out to do. That much remains as true in issue #3 as in the previous chapters. But this issue offers a thought-provoking conclusion to Batman’s nightmarish odyssey, one that all fans of a certain age should read and ponder.
The third and final chapter of this Black Label miniseries is all about control – the desire for it and the futility of that desire. No closer to understanding his current predicament, Batman begins this issue trapped in a coffin, Kill Bill-style, and his journey only grows stranger from there. This issue perhaps raises more questions about this world than it ever actually answers. But at some point the message becomes clear – unreliable narrator John Constantine (and by extension, writer Brian Azzarello) is warning Batman and his readers not to expect a clean, tidy resolution.
Source: Batman: Damned Reaches Mind-Bending Conclusion