When Crackdown 3 came out earlier this year, people were a little conflicted about the game for different reasons. Some felt that there just wasn’t enough variety in the gameplay minute-to-minute and it looks like the developers have heard that feedback. While there’s no huge overhaul to the game or anything like that, those that enjoy or were on the cusp of enjoying Crackdown 3 might just be thrilled by the new Flying High update.
You can check out the trailer for it below.
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The update includes the aforementioned wingsuit, ring challenges for the new suit-vehicle, a flare for airstrikes, a new mass-explosion grenade, and more. All this comes with sixteen new achievements for those that S-ranked the game and want a reason to play more.
Crackdown 3 is available on Xbox One and PC.
Source: Game Informer Crackdown 3 Gets A New Update With A Wingsuit