Days Gone’s latest free content update adds a standalone Challenge Mode, which will see 12 weeks of challenges added to the Sony Bend PS4 exclusive. Players can take part in the first challenge, “Surrounded,” starting today.
As detailed in the latest Days Gone patch notes on Reddit, the first free DLC challenge “Surrounded” pits players against a never-ending horde of Freakers. Players will have to use weapons, the environment, and whatever traps are at their disposal to take down Freakers, and doing so will increase your timer to keep battling the horde.
Every Friday for the next 12 weeks (this week included), a new challenge will unlock in the new mode (exact times are to be determined), but players can compete in the challenges whenever they are available to earn Bronze, Silver, and Gold rankings. Doing so will earn players credits, allowing them to buy new characters, custom accents, and rings. And, once players complete a challenge, they’ll earn a Patch specific to that challenge, which Deacon will wear in both this mode as well as in the story mode.
Source: Days Gone Challenge Mode Released Today