Another week has come and gone of covering content, which means it’s time to take a break and consume more content! From Final Fantasy to Mario Maker, we’re playing a wide range of titles with alliteration – if we’re not watching them be broken by the amazing runners at Games Done Quick!
Brian Shea (@brianpshea) – I’m playing Mario Maker 2 all weekend to try and recapture my creative streak. When I’m not doing that, I’ll be digging into Tropico 6, which I just bought on Steam sale, and Dying Light, which I’ve been replaying since E3.
Imran Khan (@imranzomg) – This weekend, I am still watching Summer Games Done Quick! I am also putting more time into Judgment, the excellent and kind of weirdly quiet spinoff of the Yakuza series. Plus, Mario Maker 2 is out! I’ve put a bit into story mode so far, which is fun and honestly a little infuriating. I definitely am not lacking for options, but I am lacking for time. It’s technically not the weekend, but I am going to see Spider-Man next week and am excited for that.
Joseph Stanichar (@JosephStanichar) – I’ve been watching Games Done Quick for years, but for the first time, I’m going there in person! Blake, Emma, and I will be there to catch Dark Souls, Breath of the Wild, and a bit of Majora’s Mask. I’m super pumped to go, as I’ve been enjoying watching the stream all week long! Otherwise, I’ll be working and watching more Neon Evangelion Genesis. After my lukewarm response to Cowboy Bebop, I was worried that this would be another anime show that didn’t live up to the hype for me, but so far I really love it!
Kyle Hilliard (@kylemhilliard) – My Toy Story 4 viewing keeps getting pushed back due to illness, but everyone’s health is normal (fingers crossed!) so we should be able to see it this weekend. I’ll also be helping build a new playground at my daughter’s school which is a weird thing, but I’m excited to help out. Otherwise, Bloodstained has its hooks in me, so I’ll keep rolling on that.
Blake Woog (@woog_blake) – I’m super exciting to be going to SGDQ this weekend! I’ve watched for a few years, and am so pumped to actually get to be there in person. Otherwise, I’ll probably paint a deck, finish Final Fantasy XV, and start up Final Fantasy X.
Emma Welch-Murphy (@EmmaMcmurphy) – More freelance writing and sleeping. But the most exciting part is that I’m heading to GDQ with the other interns!
Kristin Williams (@kristincreate) – Sounds like I’m a week behind on the Final Fantasy train, but I just got FFXII: Zodiac Age so I’m going to be seeing how that works on the Switch! Plus a few hours of Pathfinder on Sunday with my gaming group.
Leo Vader (@leovader) – I’ve got a lot to do this weekend! Gonna dip into The Outer Wilds and The Sinking City, finish Observation, play more Judgment, and a whole bunch of other games I’m telling myself I’m gonna play instead of just Siege and Red Dead like always! So fingers crossed I get outside my comfort zone a bit!
Suriel Vazquez (@SurielVazquez) – Judgment is proving exactly what I expected so far (a Yakuza game with a different crew and some admittedly boring investigative segments), so I’m diving into that all weekend. I’m also going to be catching a few more runs at SGDQ, and maybe play some Super Mario Maker 2. Thanks for asking!
Ben Hanson (@yozetty) – This weekend I’ll be hitting the road and enjoying some board games at my family’s lake place in Minnesota. I’m sure we’ll also play some arcade games out there as well… I’ve got a love-affair with Robotron 2084 to rekindle. Have a good weekend!
Javy Gwaltney — This weekend I’m continuing my recent Metroid obsession by finishing up my time with Samus Returns before turning to the horrors of The Sinking City and continuing my journey in Final Fantasy VI.
Source: Game Informer Weekend Warrior – Mario Making The Most Of A Weekend