I’m still reeling at the chimera of a combination of powers that help brought Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order to life. We have Team Ninja, a Tecmo-owned studio, collaborating with Nintendo yet again (after a series of Warriors games), with Marvel executives working closely with both entities. 

The MCU is at a turning point now with the possibility of the X-Men being introduced at some point, and although Ultimate Alliance 3 features a heavy focus on the MCU, there are plenty of classic Marvel characters in tow. Plus, the inclusion of Miles Morales and Spider Gwen, in light of the recent smash success of Into the SpiderVerse, is no surprise. Also Carol Danvers and Kamala Khan? Plus Elsa Bloodstone? Not bad. We’re not going to get a Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite roster “where is [x]?!” sticker shock with this. 

We have everyone from MCU darlings like Black Panther, to the fan-favorite Ghost Rider, to X-Men staples like Wolverine and Magneto. The gang is all here. Or are they? I mean there’s a huge spread involved but I could go for some more villains. Carnage isn’t confirmed yet even as a boss character, but as wacky as it would be, I’d love to see him wreck shop.

A few characters like Jessica Jones and Cyclops are also present, but not playable (bummer on the latter, big time). Old reliable Scott Summers is probably my more realistic pick for those of you who will say Carnage doesn’t make sense, even though many of these playable characters have made heel turns at some point in their careers, and a few villains are already on the roster. Oh and he was playable in Ultimate Alliance 2.

Sound off on who you want to see arrive later on, possibly as a secret unlock, or as part of the huge season pass-led DLC wave coming later this year.

Who do you want to see in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 that didn't make the cut? screenshot

Source: Destructoid Who do you want to see in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 that didn’t make the cut?