The Last of Us Part II

Over the past two years, Microsoft has become downright addicted to buying up studios. The Xbox Game Studios were trying to patch a whole in what was perceived as a weak first-party portfolio, which kind of left Nintendo and Sony, which already had strong first-party software, to do their own thing. Now, according to PlayStation president Jim Ryan, that might change as Sony looks to beef up its software development in preparation for next-gen.

In an interview with Japanese newspaper Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Jim Ryan told the outlet that they are looking into developer acquisitions in the future. Specifically, Ryan said that PlayStation is looking at developers fairly new to the industry to join them, as PlayStation already has lots of money and lots of experience under their belt.

Ryan didn’t tip his hand on which developers they were looking for, but I imagine that statement about experience is to show a contrast to Microsoft picking up established developers like Double Fine. It seems unlikely Sony is interested on acquiring, say, Capcom or Konami or anything like that.

Which smaller studios do you think would be a good fit for the PlayStation brand? Let us know in the comments below.

[Source:  Nihon Keizai Shimbun via Gematsu]

Source: Game Informer Sony Considering Developer Acquisitions For PlayStation Worldwide Studios