Since it began in 2008, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has been almost entirely devoid of secret identities. In fact, if you made a list of all the MCU heroes whose real identities aren’t currently public knowledge, it would amount to a small handful of characters at best. That includes Spider-Man, and even in his case, several of the people in Peter Parker’s life seem to know he’s slinging webs in his spare time.

But secret identities are supposed to be a constant in the superhero genre. Keeping your private life hidden is the only way to protect your loved ones from bad guys who would hurt them to get at you. Right?

In the MCU that’s just never been much of a factor, though for a second there it looked like it would be. At the end of Iron Man, Tony Stark is all set to tell a room full of reporters the Iron Man was a bodyguard in a suit. But then, in one iconic moment, he detonated the entire secret identity plot device and drastically altered the trajectory of the MCU.

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Source: Why Spider-Man Has One of the Only Secret Identities in the MCU