Apex Legends has a lot of source material to draw from when it comes to introducing new weapons: the battle royale is set in the Titanfall universe, after all.  Developer Respawn Entertainment has shown it isn’t afraid to make new weapons either, though. The Apex exclusive Peacekeeper is one of the game’s most recognized and sought after weapons.

For the launch of the game’s Season 2, Respawn has dipped back into that Titanfall well. The L-Star is about to land in a drop package near you.

“I don’t think it would make sense to release yet another assault rifle or SMG unless they were offering substantially different gameplay,” explains Sean Slayback, Apex’s Principle Weapon Designer. “It was an opportunity to expand the LMG class and to have a weapon that was kind of more weird.”

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Source: IGN.com Apex Legends Season 2: How The L-Star Might Change The Game