For one reason or another, Sony has decided to swap one of the July PS Plus games for another. Anyone looking forward to trying out PES 2019 will be sad to know that Quantic Dream’s Detroit: Become Human will be replacing it. Not only is David Cage’s hamfisted racism allegory coming to the service, but it will be in the form of the “Digital Deluxe” version that contains Heavy Rain as a bonus. This is technically the second time Heavy Rain will be free, which says more about its quality than I could.

I’m not sure what caused the swap (maybe its imminent PC release is the reason), but at least a relatively high profile game is replacing it. I have nothing against indie titles being given out for free, but I do feel that bigger budget titles should compliment the smaller ones each month. With PS3 and Vita games no longer on offer, there’s not really much reason why both games should be smaller ones.

Sony swaps PES 2019 for Detroit: Become Human in July's PS Plus selection screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Sony swaps PES 2019 for Detroit: Become Human in July’s PS Plus selection