Capping off our month of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order coverage, game director Stig Asmussen called into The Game Informer Show podcast to answer lingering questions from the community. One of the show’s viewers asked about protagonist Cal Kestis’ lightsaber, stating that the blade didn’t deliver as much vibrancy as we usually see from these weapons.
More specifically, the blade apparently lacked the bright white light in its center. “We made a mistake on that one, and since then have fixed it,” Asmussen said during the interview. “That was fair feedback and criticism. We’ve tweaked [the light], and also tweaked the shape of the lightsaber blade a little. You can see the difference right away.”
You can check out that specific discussion in the timestamped video below.
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Source: Game Informer Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order's Lightsaber Has Been Updated Following E3 Feedback