Digital Extremes revealed new details about Warframe’s Empyrean cooperative expansion, updates, and a new intro cinematic today during TennoCon 2019.

Empyrean will expand Warframe by allowing players and their clan mates to take control of the Railjack battleship and initiate in deep space combat. With it, they’ll travel through the Origin System, exploring new territory and fighting hostile forces in the process. An in-ship interface will allow players to control speed and direction, shield deployment, offensive missile volleys and gunner fire, and deploy Archwings and infiltrate enemy ships. Player ships can be upgraded, take damage and be customized.

Empyrean is introducing Squad Link, a multiplayer system that connects players with the larger community, allowing them to reach out to other Tenno squads. In multi-objective space missions, players can use Squad Link to call on other active squads to help their cause, including lowering enemy ship shields, stealing valuable data and more.

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Source: Warframe: Empyrean Expansion Details, New Intro Cinematic Revealed