It’s a tale as old as time, eternally retold. Halfway through the year, it’s easy to look back on what we’ve played to date and possibly use it as a measuring stick against what we expect from the rest of the year. There are still major releases on the horizon like Doom: Eternal, Astral Chain, and… wait Shenmue III? Ok, whatever you say. I can say I’m excited for most of these games. But after Capcom’s huge success with Resident Evil 2, Devil May Cry V, and even the taste of the Monster Hunter World: Iceborne expansion, it’s hard not to already give those titles an early spot on my personal Game of the Year list.

Do you have a GOTY 2019 yet and why is it Devil May Cry V? screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Do you have a GOTY 2019 yet and why is it Devil May Cry V?