Just this past weekend, Arc System Works revealed it would be releasing a demo for Kill la Kill: IF in Europe and Japan on PS4. Thankfully, the US actually is receiving the demo after all. A curious bit of writing on the PlayStation store makes it sound like a pre-order bonus, but you’re able to grab the demo for free without purchasing the digital version. Maybe that is an error, but I’d act on it now if you’d like to save yourself the trouble of making an alternate PSN account.

If you’d rather try out the Switch version, then you may just be in luck. UK publisher PQube Games has announced that a demo will be hitting the European eShop on July 22, 2019. That’s roughly half a week before the game launches, but at least you’ll be able to find out if the Switch port is decent or not. It’s also a bit easier to set up a European eShop account on your system, but I imagine the US will get it too.

Kill la Kill: IF's demo is available in the US, Switch to receive demo in Europe screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Kill la Kill: IF’s demo is available in the US, Switch to receive demo in Europe