A few weeks ago my boss Jeremy Azevedo asked me if I would like to debate him on whether or not Saints Row 4 was and is “the greatest sandbox game of all time”. His words. I mean, I like Saints Row as much as the next guy, but like most, I sort of forgot about the series shortly after playing its final installment in 2013 (regardless of how many times they’ve re-released it). I agreed to his challenge, thinking that there was no way he could defend such an outlandish and bizarre claim. I was right.

His words were rambling, his thesis incoherent, and his pupils dilated… undoubtedly from consuming scoops of unmixed G-Fuel powder without any liquid. He made outrageous claims like “RPGs aren’t sandbox games.” But still he pressed on undaunted by the lack of any semblance of reason in his argument. He raved madly about “dubstep guns” and “having sec.” He somehow killed our video producer with a Nerf gun, and I was sure that I had entered a realm of pure madness.

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Source: IGN.com Is Saint's Row IV The Best Sandbox Game of All Time?