One of the nice things about Batman is that even when the series stumbles, as it did in last month’s Batman #73, it never loses momentum for long. Case in point – Batman #74 manages to deftly put the book back on track after its thin, unsatisfying predecessor. This issue does far more to explore the unusual relationship between Bruce Wayne and his alternate universe father.

Issue #74 accomplishes two main goals. First, it helps further illuminate Thomas Wayne’s motivations. Alternate timelines notwithstanding, why would a father align himself with a man wholly committed to destroying that father’s son? The previous issue offered some insight, but this latter half of “The Fall and the Fallen” goes deeper. In the process, it ties back to an earlier chapter of the series and a twisted children’s book from Bruce’s past that continues to haunt him in the present. By the end, the reader will have a better sense of what fuels Thomas and why he thinks he’s working in Bruce’s best interests by depriving him of love, hope and willpower.

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Source: Batman Bounces Back Once Again