The Indie Game Website writes: “Having spent the last couple of years in Early Access, Streets Of Rogue has already accrued followers and as it nears its 1.0 release this week, Tiny Build Games have filled their creation with something rogue-lite fanatics will love: variety. Theres a multitude of wonderfully created classes: from the charismatic bartender with their silver tongue; the explosion-heavy, actions first, questions later, soldier; the loyal gang member who recruits their peers and antagonises their rivals; and the scientist-hating, banana-eating Gorilla. There are dozens of classes with their own special abilities, items and proficiencies. With each character youll prod and poke the games systems, figuring out the advantages and disadvantages of your protagonist but most wonderfully, seeing how the world reacts to you.”
Source: N4G PC Streets of Rogue Review | The Indie Game Website