Ys Net really can’t seem to catch a break with Shenmue III. After some massive backlash about refusing refunds for players dissatisfied with the title’s sudden Epic Games Store exclusivity, it seems Kickstarter backers will not be receiving any retail exclusive content with their keys. As discovered by VG 24/7, Ys Net confirmed to backer Antonio Miranda that backers will need to pay for any additional content that might come to Ryo’s long-awaited return.
“Standard and deluxe versions released through retail sales are not affiliated with the crowdfunding campaign,” Ys Net stated,” so will not be included with backer pledges. They will be available for sale separately.” While this kind of makes sense in that specific retailers would be funding the additional content, it also creates a scenario where backers are now not getting a “complete” version of a game they helped bring to life.
This also becomes doubly confusing as both the Kickstarter and Slacker Backer editions have exclusive content of their own. Throw in a season pass that has undefined content and is also not being given to backers and this has become a really crappy situation. It seems Ys Net would rather segment out Shenmue III than provide an easy way to get the entire experience, which is certainly reason enough to be agitated.
Source: Destructoid Shenmue III backers will not receive retail exclusive content