If you’ve ever been curious about what, exactly, it is that Valve does all day when nobody is looking, then prepare to be at least mildly sated. Valve has unveiled Steam Labs, a new website showcasing a range of experimental features developed for potential use within its behemoth store. It’s quite interesting!

“Every year,” says Valve’s introducing to Steam Labs, “we create dozens of experiments around discoverability, video, machine learning, and more. You know who we thought might enjoy seeing them? Everyone.” The idea, it says, is to enable users to “try, share, and break” these experimental features, then give feedback directly to the developers that created them.

“We’re always trying new things with Steam,” Valve continues, “but often only share them with the world when they’re ready to be made a part of the platform. Steam Labs allows us to share these ideas earlier and improve them with your feedback before making them official.”

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Source: Eurogamer Valve launches Steam Labs, showcasing "experiments" in improving discoverability