Red Dead Redemption 2 is a fantastic single-player video game and one of my personal favorites games from this generation. Red Dead Online, however, is maybe Rockstar’s worst online component to date and I genuinely believe if it launched alongside the single-player — that Metacritic score would be looking very different. Red Dead Online doubles down on the things that people genuinely didn’t like about Grand Theft Auto Online (grinding, in-game currencies, etc). All while offering up very little in the way of compelling content and being downright broken in many areas.
The PVP is a hard lock free-for-all shitfest most of the time, horse racing boils down to whoever survives the first horse pile-up, and the grind to for money is absolutely insane. Most folks just abuse exploits to gain money and gold, leaving them with nothing of interest to work towards or do. So, despite now being out of beta and claims from Take-Two that Red Dead Online is “performing better” than GTA Online around the same period, I can’t say I agree.
Source: Destructoid Today on Impulse, we break down whether or not its worth playing Red Dead Online in 2019!