Sammy J from Gaming Daze writes:The games that are able to pull off multiple genres successfully are usually games that become favoured by cult fanbases. To name a few: Act Raiser, Dark Cloud 2 (Known as Dark Chronicle here in the UK) and Star Fox Adventures! Very rare is it that we will get an Indie title that embraces the challenge of boasting multiple genres within a game due to the constraints, manpower and small amount of funds that smaller independent developers have to work with. A.N.N.E is a game that is not only attempting to push gameplay boundaries but is also very pleasing on the eye and if the early access demo is anything to go by, the full game is set to appease backers of this project very much indeed. It is a shame that fans and backers alike have had to wait 6 long years to get their hands on this early access build since the completion of A.N.N.Es successful kickstarter campaign back in 2013, heres hoping we wont have to wait another 6 years to see the full gam…
Source: N4G PC Has the early access of A.N.N.E been worth the 6 year wait?