Borderlands is a series that thrives on its cooperative gameplay. With advances in technology and platform-holder relations, people are increasingly able to play with their friends regardless of platform. However, that dream is dead for Borderlands 3 — at least at launch.

Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford recently confirmed that Borderlands 3‘s cross-play cooperative functionality won’t be ready when the game releases on September 13. That doesn’t mean the feature is scrapped though; Pitchford continues “We are committed to supporting cross-play for Borderlands 3 with our partners as soon as practicable after launch.”

Bummer for those groups that are spread across different machines but want to immediately experience Borderlands 3 together. Your day is coming, just not right away. All you need is just a little patience.

@DuvalMagic [Twitter]

Borderlands 3 rules out cross-play being ready by launch screenshot

Source: Destructoid Borderlands 3 rules out cross-play being ready by launch