Developer Arika will be rolling out its July update for Fighting EX Layer tomorrow and it’s explaining literally everything that you’ll get. Along with the new character and a beta version of an online mode, there’s a three-and-a-half-hour trailer that shows off all the new features. I don’t know if I have the fortitude to sit through all of that, but there’s literally no mystery to what version 1.30 will be bringing to the game.

As a quick refresher, the update will add fighter “Area,” smooth out network connections between players, add a spectator mode, and add a mode where a lobby creator can spectate matches. Area will not be coming with Expert Mode challenges, though she’ll be playable in every other game mode. News on the arcade port is still MIA.

Here's an insanely in-depth trailer for Fighting EX Layer's newest update screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Here’s an insanely in-depth trailer for Fighting EX Layer’s newest update