The quirky RPG-infused puzzle game Puzzles & Dragons will be getting a release on Nintendo Switch this year. GungHo Entertainment announced that a new entry, tentatively titled Puzzles & Dragons Gold, will find its way to Nintendo’s hybrid console this Winter in Japan. While no western release has been confirmed, it seems likely given the history of the series over here.

About four years back, Nintendo famously partnered with GungHo to produce Puzzles & Dragons Z + Puzzles & Dragons: Super Mario Bros. Edition. Along with increasing the word count of this article, the super lengthy name of that title brought together the popular puzzler with Nintendo’s flagship franchise. While it wasn’t a must-play combination, it did create a stupidly feature-rich package with an insane amount of content.

While Gold doesn’t seem to be retaining the Mario Bros. portion, it will at least give us more puzzles…and dragons. Expect to hear more about this new version in the coming months.

Puzzles & Dragons Gold brings the mobile puzzler to Switch this year screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Puzzles & Dragons Gold brings the mobile puzzler to Switch this year