Batman #75 is easily the most significant chapter of the series since Batman #50 wrapped up the Bruce Wayne/Selina Kyle wedding storyline. It’s the start of “City of Bane,” which is both the series’ longest storyline and its final chapter. And much like with Batman #50, the series may not be heading in the direction fans are expecting. The main takeaway from this issue is that a Gotham City ruled by Bane is a strange place indeed.

Interestingly, this issue doesn’t focus a great deal on either Batman or Bane outside of the Year of the Villain-themed backup story. Tom King and Tony Daniel instead explore Gotham’s strange new status quo, where deranged villains like Joker, Riddler and Hugo Strange have become members of the GCPD and a brand new Dynamic Duo protects the streets. This all makes for a disorienting start to the story, as it’s not immediately clear how we got from “The Fall and the Fallen” to here.

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Source: Batman's Final Challenge Isn't Epic Enough