Get that Lancer revved up, as this weekend sees the coming of the first Versus Tech Test for Microsoft’s upcoming shooter Gears 5. allowing Xbox Game Pass subscribers and pre-order customers the opportunity to get a early glimpse at the sequel’s body-splatting multiplayer mode.

Running from July 19 to July 21, players will have the opportunity to check out Gears 5’s Arcade Deathmatch mode, a first-to-50-kills battle between two teams of five. As opposed to some of the simply aesthetic character choices of early Gears games, Gears 5 makes each character their own distinct type, complete with passive skills and personalised loadouts and upgrades. Despite these changes, the trailer still shows a heavy emphasis on cover-breaking, melee attacks and the all-important headshot.

Gears 5 prepares for upcoming 'tech test' with visceral gameplay trailer screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Gears 5 prepares for upcoming ‘tech test’ with visceral gameplay trailer