Hasbro showed off the newest addition to its Lightning Collection and the first collectible to the line that isn’t a figure.
The Mighty Morphin White Ranger Helmet is a full-scale, completely wearable, cosplay ready replica of the White Ranger’s helmet from the original series.
The helmet features “adjustable straps so it will fit most,” and includes a display stand for the rare occasions when you decide not to wear it to the grocery store or work.
The helmet costs $79.99 and can be preordered directly from HasbroPulse.com, as well as GameStop, Big Bad Toy Store and Entertainment Earth.
Hasbro brought a ton of new toys and collectibles to show off, including its SDCC-exclusive Optimus Prime/Ghostbusters mash-up, as well as the largest Transformer figure ever created, the mighty Unicron.
Source: IGN.com Power Rangers Lightning Collection Mighty Morphin White Ranger Helmet Revealed at SDCC