Star Citizen’s next milestone update has arrived, bringing the controversial space sim up to its alpha 3.5 release. Headline additions this time around include a complete law and order overhaul designed to make life a little tougher for those ne’er-do-wells among the stars.

Essentially, as a pilot’s criminal record (or crime stat in Star Citizen parlance) increases, they’ll encounter greater opposition from AI law enforcement and bounty hunters, and will find themselves more likely to be pursued.

Newly implemented regional jurisdictions have their own patrolling security forces, as well as their own lists of controlled substances. Security forces will immediately open fire on felons or those in a stolen ship, but will merely demand a stop-and-scan on other vessels. Those that refuse to comply will gain a crime stat and be attacked, while those found with illegal goods onboard will be fined and have their goods removed.

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Source: Eurogamer Star Citizen's latest update aims to bring law and order to the galaxy