Red Dead Redemption 2 is undeniably huge. A map the scale of Red Dead 2’s must hold some secrets, but a lot of people play this game, so surely they can’t stay secret for long, right? Well, turns out they can. After almost a year and two subreddits dedicated to turning over every stone, there are still some mysteries the community can’t solve. Here are 10 of the more popular ones, so you can go out and try to solve them yourself. Happy hunting! 

Spoilers for Red Dead Redemption 2 ahead. 

There are a ton of mysteries in Red Dead 2, and many are unsolved. Luckily, the community is still full of people hot on the trail. If you’re interested, there are two subreddits dedicated to solving the mysteries of Red Dead, <a href="; target=”_blank”>r/RedDeadMysteries and <a href="; target=”_blank”>r/RDR2mysteries. If you can’t get enough mysteries in games, there are still some <a href="undiscovered”>… secrets in The Division 2.

Source: Game Informer 10 Unsolved Mysteries In Red Dead Redemption 2