As most of our Xbox crew takes a well-deserved vacation, Brandin and Miranda are left to hold down the fort and talk about whether streaming will be the future of gaming. Plus: the Gears 5 technical test kicked off with Arcade multiplayer mode and it was a blast, Overwatch unveils a brand-new hero who delved too deeply into the mysteries of the universe and weirdly doesn’t wear shoes, Netflix’s upcoming The Witcher series has us cautiously optimistic, and more!

Subscribe on any of your favorite podcast feeds, or grab an MP3 download of this week’s episode. For more awesome content, check out this month’s episode of IGN Unfiltered, featuring an in-depth interview with Remedy writer Same Lake, his unexpected career, from how helping a friend led to writing Max Payne, creating Alan Wake, the elusive Alan Wake 2, lessons learned from Quantum Break, and how it’s all led to Remedy’s new game, Control:

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Source: Is Streaming the Future of Gaming?