At the beginning of the year, The Pokémon Company announced not one, not two, but four new Pokémon games, and the first is finally nearing its “summer” release in the wild. Pre-registration for the game will begin today on both the Apple App Store and Google Play.

DeNA, the developer of Mario Run and Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp, has brought us our next mobile Pokémon adventure: Pokémon Masters. And the developer is shaking up the formula with this one – unlike Pokémon Go, Masters is a much more story-driven experience and has a focus on battling rather than catching.

Pokémon Masters drops you onto the artificial island of Pasio. This island is home to the Pokémon Masters League which you, the player, are destined to become the champion of – with a little help from your friends from every region of the Pokémon world, of course.

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Source: Eurogamer Pokémon Masters is a promising, battle-focused take on the series