Those wishing to get a taste of what’s new in Catherine: Full Body can now head onto their PS4’s and download the new demo. Sega and Atlus have uploaded the sampler to the PSN for everyone ahead of the remaster’s September 3, 2019, launch. While only a small portion of what the full game will have, the demo tasks you with making a decision between which Catherine you’ll pursuit.

From what I played at E3, Full Body feels like a very faithful update to the cult classic game. I’m not sure about some of the finer details regarding the new character, Rin, or how certain story segments will play out, but the game isn’t far from release. With only a few short months left, why not give this latest demo a try and see if Catherine is right for you. Katherine may be a better fit for the more conservative among us, however.

Catherine: Full Body's demo is now available, wants you to make decisions screenshot

Source: Destructoid Catherine: Full Body’s demo is now available, wants you to make decisions