After seven years without a mainline Animal Crossing release, fans are eagerly anticipating the next installment in the franchise, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, coming to Nintendo Switch. Although Nintendo tried to bridge the gap with spin-offs including Happy Home Designer and Pocket Camp, they never quite managed to deliver the same experience as the bigger editions such as New Leaf.
With the recent announcement to delay the release until March 20, 2020, we decided to dispense with the conspiracy theories and focus on delving into all the details we have accumulated from official trailers and developer interviews.
The wait for New Horizons is a tough one, but it should be worth it. You can cope with <a href="the”>… delay by checking out more of our coverage on the game along with <a href="Nintendo’s”>… gameplay footage.
Source: Game Informer Everything We Know About Animal Crossing: New Horizons