Now that Wolfenstein: Youngblood is out in the wild, we decided it would be a good time to round up the most batsh*t insane moments in MachineGames’ Wolfenstein series so far, which was a hard task considering the series is known for being, well, batsh*t insane in general.

Spoilers ahead. 

Hitler’s Appearance in the Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus

I’m not sure there’s ever been a more repulsive character in the rebooted Wolfenstein series than Hitler, which is fitting of course, as he was an incredibly repulsive man in real life. Nonetheless, that didn’t make his pissing, puking, murdering actions in the New Colossus any less disturbing. – Lucy O’Brien

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Source: The Most Batsh*t Insane Moments in The Wolfenstein Series