As part of its Doom Eternal QuakeCon keynote this weekend, id Software has revealed more of the game’s intriguing new asymmetrical multiplayer experience, Battlemode

While Doom 2016 featured a competent, if ultimately rather forgettable, multiplayer mode that predominantly focussed on the classic human-versus-human deathmatch template established by the seminal series’ earliest iterations, Doom Eternal introduces Battlemode, pitting one Slayer against two-player controlled demons in a best-of-five-match skirmish.

The goal is to bring more of the “fast, aggressive” dynamism from Doom’s much-lauded single-player campaign into the multiplayer arena, and Battlemode will launch with six unique maps and five playable demons: the Arch-vile, Mancubus, Marauder, Pain Elemental, and Revenant, each with their own skills. The Revenant, for instance can take advantage of its jetpack, dash, and shoulder-mounted rockets, while the flying Pain Elemental can easily track and attack the Slayer from the air, intermittently deploying its rechargeable Soul shield.

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Source: Eurogamer id shows off Doom Eternal's Slayer-versus-demons asymmetrical multiplayer Battlemode