Rather suitably for a game that features a hefty amount of flamethrowers, I recorded this week’s episode of Ian’s VR Corner on the hottest day of the year so far.

While the incredible heat of my office did compliment the nazi toasting action of Wolfenstein: Cyberpilot somewhat, I do wonder to what extent this unusually hot weather will have affected its first week of sales. As you’ll be able to see in the video below, playing VR in a 40°C room is definitely not the most comfortable of experiences. I mean, who knew it was possible to sweat from your eyelids?

Cyberpilot is a spin-off of MachineGames’ recent Wolfenstein titles, but you won’t find yourself inhabiting the virtual shoes of any of the Blazkowicz clan. Instead you play as a nameless hacker who, thanks to some friendly resistance fighters, is able to control an assortment of nazi mechs from within the safety of a virtual cockpit.

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Source: Eurogamer Wolfenstein: Cyberpilot – A VR spin-off with a lot of potential