In what appears to be a regular occurrence now, eBay has launched another 20 per cent off voucher that you can use across a number of eligible retailers. The most interesting of these is Hughes Direct where you can take advantage of some big savings on 4K TVs, laptops and other home tech.
You can start with this LG 49” 4K Ultra HD Smart LED TV for only £279.20 when using the code ‘PAYDAY20’. Its usual price floats around the £350 mark so that’s a considerable £70 saving on what is a decent TV. Alternatively if you’re looking for something a little smaller, the 43” LG model is also in the offer for £255.20.
These two are some of the best value offers you can get with the discount code, but there are many other TVs on the Hughes Direct store from various brands that you can apply it to, depending on your budget.
Source: Eurogamer Save 20% on a range of 4K TVs and other tech this week at eBay