DC Comics is currently crammed full of new Batman stories defined by apocalyptic stakes. In the core Batman series, “City of Bane” shows a Gotham City ruled by Bane in the absence of an exiled Batman. The Batman Who Laughs and the upcoming Batman/Superman are pitting Batman against the only foe more dangerous than he. Batman: Curse of the White Knight is bombarding the Dark Knight with dark secrets from his family’s past. And in Justice League, Batman is fighting to save the entire Multiverse from complete destruction. In the midst of all this drama, it might seem like a bad time for Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo to tackle a completely separate Batman epic. Yet somehow Last Knight on Earth manages to rise above the fray and establish itself as one of DC’s best Batman comics of 2019.

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Source: IGN.com Batman and Joker Explore a Surreal, Fascinating DC Universe